Tampa Bay
NY Yankees
That’s Baltimore playing at 10 games above .500 – Ten! With the season more than a month in, we’re at that stage where its no longer apt to quip “Its still early” – contrary to what other may say. And as I pointed out last week, I don’t think Baltimore will simply fall off the planet.
This is an interesting week in that that the Jays
have 6 games against teams with losing records and Baltimore plays Texas and
Tampa – so by weeks end there may be some jockeying in the standings. The time
is now for the Jays to make their move.
The Jays started their week against Yu Darvish and
the Texas Rangers. Like Darby Day in Great Britain, Darvish’s start in Toronto
was dubbed Darvish Day – ugh. Punch the idiot that came up with that verbiage. Also,
give Hazel Mae of Sportsnet a metaphorical one-two for her comments during an
interview with Ranger’s GM Jon Daniels. During the interview Mae asked Daniels
to justify the 51+ million spent on Darvish’s posting fee. She followed up with
“Jon, that’s not even in Canadian bucks!” – Um, Hazel, last time I checked the
Canadian dollar was at par with the green back. So shut it.
Darvish did look good though, and as he
acclimatizes to MLB he’ll only get better. Looks like a worthwhile investment
for the Rangers so far.
Following Darvish’s start the Jays took 3-of-4 from
the Rangers before heading to LA for dinner at Ricky’s house. The Jays continued
their hot hitting ways against the Angels taking the first two games –
thankfully missing out on Weaver’s no-no.

It seems like every week the Jays have a goat. At
first it was JP Mendoza, but he’s come around and is playing very well. Then it
was Joey Bats and Eric Thames. Now its Adam Lind’s lack of
production. I’m not a firm believer in “protection” in the line up. As in,
Bautista isn’t producing because Lind isn’t providing protection. But he isn’t
hitting anything right now and more worrisome is that he doesn’t even appear to
be battling. Let’s hope he rights the ship or the Jays add first base to their
shopping list.
Lind even drew comparisons to Frank Thomas last week. And not in a good way. We're not talking about the Hulk from Chicago, we're talking about the rebar swinging lump that played in Toronto. Not good.
Lind's currents stats for the season look like this:
2 HR, 8 RBI, .194 AVG, .609 OPS - eww
Looking ahead, the Jays should have the edge going
into Oakland and Minnesota. I wonder if Tuesday will be Yeonis day?
In a time honoured tradition, Phils and Spills this
week celebrates no one by the name of Phil. In fact, all Phils had bad weeks,
so here’s to Weaver for his no-no and Bryce Harper for being electric. The
dubious Spills award also goes to none other than Bryce for that hair cut. C’mon
kid, you’re in the Bigs now.
Man Harper's hair is brutal. Dude could take a lesson or 2 from that good Canadian boy Axford!