avid Blue Jays fans, and fans of the game in general, we’re familiar with
popular ‘week-in-review’ articles and posts. Many blogists such as DJF and Tao
do an enviable job of summarizing the week that was. With this in mind, the
intent of the following is to identify some notable occurrences from the last 7
days. And this being the inaugural edition of “In Retrospect”, I don’t expect
it to be perfect, and if you don’t like what you see then please add your
insight below. Alternatively, you can stop reading and go to, where you can
read all the intelligent posts in response to Jays coverage.
After a rough stretch against the Rays, the Jays have turned things around against KC. Not sure what it is about the Rays, but I feel that for whatever reason they are like kryptonite. I like our chances better against the Yanks or Sox. Sure they have great starting pitching, but their offense does little to remind me of the Rangers. The week started with a win on Tuesday, thanks largely to Joey Bats, to which Buck mused “Heeee’s baaaaack” (more on Buck later). The following night was a forgettable 12-2 loss, followed by another loss on Thursday. Thursday’s game comes to mind because of that awkward play at the plate involving JP and Hendo. Joey Bats hustles to a ball in right and throws a laser which skips past JP and hits Hendo in the collarbone leading to a run. Seriously, that ball was traveling faster than a nebula and had JP made the catch, it would have resulted in an out. Now, I’ve been very impressed with JP behind the plate this year and I’m not about to say that JP should have made the play, but ... he should have made that play. So the Jays go 1-2 against the Rays, taking their worst loss of the season thus far.
I’ve already stated that I dislike playing the Rays. Our record against them in recent years has been less than stellar. But here’s another reason why I dislike playing them. It seems that every time the two teams get together we are inundated with “news” of the Jays following the Rays blueprint for success and how similar they are. Honestly, I’m so tired of listening to this drivel. The only thing that makes these teams similar is that they field 9 guys who try and hit a ball with a wood stick. I mean, since when has stockpiling prospects and developing talent become such a phenomenon. Even the way in which the two teams accumulate such assets is completely different. The Rays were terrible for 10 years leading to priority draft selections. The Jays on the other hand, have been overpaying prospects and taking fliers on previously injured or undesirable players. I’m tired of hearing about the Jays/Rays connections.
The Jays then went to KC to take on the slump-busting Royals – winless at home thus far. We’re all familiar with the on-field success against KC so let’s focus our attention on some of the other notables from the series. I’ve made this point before to other members of the CC and I’ll make it again. I think that Lind is as good as Overbay – defensively. Seriously, I don’t think the Jays have lost anything in first base defense since having Lind play there full time. He scoops more balls and makes more plays than I think he gets recognition for. And on that note, how about that triple play he turned on Friday - the first one in 31 years for the Jays. I think it’s time Lind get his dues for being a solid first baseman. Also, in response to people calling for JP’s head, he goes about improving his AVG by 100 points and does so while getting barraged by negativity on Twitter. That exchange with the NY radio personality was pretty humerous and yes, he was fat. So clearly JP wasn’t being mean, he’s just observant. Last night JP got flack from someone on Twitter, who sarcastically said you play for the “Blue Jays” and added “you’ll always be overshadowed by the Yankees”. I was tempted to rip this guy on Twitter, but I stopped after I read his profile: “I’m a 22 year old male, living in New York. I work for an auto detailing company and love WWE” – this is a perfect recipe for being a deuche bag and therefore his life must be hard enough, can’t be easy being a virgin loser.

for something new. You’ve heard of “Studs and Duds”, “Hot and Not” etc. Well in
honour of Phil Humber and the Boston Madness I’ve come up with “Phils and
Spills”. As you can guess this weeks
honours go to Phillip Humber - who threw the 21st perfect game in
MLB history.
Let’s take a moment to appreciate that .....
Let us also consider that since the dawn of ball-play only 19 men have been “perfect” (20 if you count (Armando Galarraga). So if you’re a female reading this post, stop and think for a second. If only 20 men have ever been perfect, then you should appreciate your man for who he is.
The dubious Spills distinction goes to none other than the entire Boston Red Sox team, for looking stupid in white throw-back uniforms, giving up 15 consecutive runs, having a terrible bullpen and a lunatic for a manager, and to Pedro and Kevin Millar for showing up hammered to the 100 year anniversary. However, we do condone afternoon drinking so Spills is more of a literal term here. And, of course, Eric Thames, for, well, “spilling” in left field.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the inaugural edition of “In Retrospect”.
Jays !
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