I don't know about you...but every week I am getting a stronger feeling that Escobar will be traded by (if not before) the trade deadline. Now that we know that Hech's paperwork is definitely all sorted out (has been for awhile apparently) we can assume that it's only a matter of time before our current SS is dealt for our future SS wizard. I have no doubt that AA will most likely look for another arm, either a SP or a better arm for the pen with Santos' return date still up in the air orrrr maybe he looks for a bat. There are def. some teams out there in need of an upgrade at SS. AA has been quiet, very quiet. Yes, I know that some will say that it's early on in the season...but really, it's not. It's June 1st and we're almost a third of the way through the season...the Silent Assassin could strike at any moment...and one thing is for sure, we won't know about the trade until it happens.
Has officially been taken off the 40 man roster...anyone surprised? Maybe Lind was....
He's cominnnnnng!!!! With his recent promotion to Las Vegas at looks as though he'll be with the Jays within the next 2 weeks. I'm jacked to see him slap the ball around the concrete convertible!!
Red Sucks..
I strongly hate Boston. I'd like to echo 'Tom Cheeks Touch' by complaining about Beckett's (and their entire teams for that matter) ridiculous pace in which they play the game. I hate how they and the Yankees are allowed to do this. There actually is a rule that states the following:
8.04 When the bases are unoccupied, the pitcher shall deliver the ball to
the batter within 12 seconds after he receives the ball. Each time the pitcher
delays the game by violating this rule, the umpire shall call Ball.
The 12-second timing starts when the pitcher is in possession of the ball
and the batter is in the box, alert to the pitcher. The timing stops when the
pitcher releases the ball.
The intent of this rule is to avoid unnecessary delays. The umpire shall
insist that the catcher return the ball promptly to the pitcher, and that the
pitcher take his position on the rubber promptly. Obvious delay by the
pitcher should instantly be penalized by the umpire.
I encourage you to time the Red Sucks pitchers this weekend and see if this rule is violated. Bucholtz isn't too bad if my memory serves me correctly, but Beckett is a chronic 8.04 violator. Would love to see us lengthen the gap between us and the last place team in the East, which so happens to be Boston.
Enjoy the weekend.
Let's go Blue Jays!!!!